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FRIDA ~ 8 x 10 Original Art Print ~ Frida y Gatito Negro ~ Frida and Little Black Kitty


Image of FRIDA ~ 8 x 10 Original Art Print ~ Frida y Gatito Negro ~ Frida and Little Black Kitty

This is a high-resolution image printed on matte photo paper.
These prints will fit easily into any store bought 8x10 frame. Some frames may vary slightly but the prints are easily trimmed down with scissors if necessary.

I do all of my own prints on an Epson tank printer. As long as the prints are kept out of the direct sunlight, they will maintain their vibrant color. Matte paper is my paper of choice because it has no emulsion and will not stick to the glass on a frame.

Initialed on the back and individually wrapped in a cello sleeve for protection.